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Baby related feeding symptoms

Updated: Jan 7, 2024

Breastfeeding is such a wonderful and bonding experience between a mom and baby, however when it comes to feeding your baby in very early days (breastfeeding or bottle feeding), there are few "problems" of "baby symptoms", which we as parents can get really upset or stressed about. Some of the baby problems which I encountered while breastfeeding were: Hiccups, burps, winds or GORD's.


They are a very common with your babies and baby's do hiccup as they have not yet properly developed their digestive systems. Hiccups are very common after feeding, since our baby takes in some air as well. They are not dangerous, neither harmful they will simply pass away. Most commonly your baby's stomach is very full or they have taken in some air so that is the reason why they have a little hiccups after feeding which last only for few minutes. The way how you can help your baby is either put them back on your breast or simply hold them up right for few minutes while gently patting on their shoulder. They will pass and they look to us like our baby is suffering, but they will simply pass.


After every feeding (day and night feedings) your baby should burp. This is a sign that your baby has eaten well, burped and is ready to either sleep, play or just enjoy cuddles with you. Personally for me, my baby has always burped after the day feeding, but sometimes during the night feeds I find it harder to burp my baby. Below I add a photo of what is the most efficient way to burp your baby. I would say example one is the most efficient way for me personally but everyone has their own way of comfort on how to burp a baby.

During the day feeds I always try to burp my baby, as it is also much better for them. I usually breastfeed on both breasts so when I switch from one breast I tend to burp the baby and change to the second breast. There is no need to burp the baby all the time, it is easier after changing the breast or at the end of the feed. In addition, your baby will naturally stop the feed to burp and then continue the feed. Where I had harder time to burp my baby was during the night feeds, but I will try always my best to help them with burp.

Usually when I hold my baby up right over my knee, I have a better chance of succeeding with the burp and then I know that I can put my baby comfortably back to sleep as my little one has ate well and burped. It will only help them to calmly fall asleep again. If your baby cannot be burped at the end of the feed, it is best to keep them and continue with the next activity which you have planned for.


All babies take a certain amount of wind while feeding. They are very common with tiny babies, and sometimes they can be very upsetting for the baby. My baby, who is only breastfeed, usually needs 2-3 hours to digest the feed, therefore this is why I always try to let some time pass between each feed. Sometimes winds can create a problem for your baby, and if that is the case I would suggest seeing the doctor. I can only speak from my experience where my baby was satisfied by passing on the winds, and sometimes it would have cramps while passing winds but they would pass very quickly.


GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease):

Reflux is also very common with young babies as they often bring a small amount of milk after a feed which is also known as reflux. Many babies will experience a small amount of reflux at some point during their first year as they have not develop the muscles yet properly. When feeding your baby the small amount of milk will come back up, along with the acid from the stomack, causing a very painful burning sesation for your baby. Reflux, in my experience would only happen during my night feeds as the milk during the night is much heavier then during the day. It is harder for your baby to digest the night feeds so my baby would cough at night, so I decided to hold him longer upright after every feed before putting them back to sleep. I would recommend shorteening the night feeds, which is what I have done with my baby ( feeding them for maximum of 10 min and then letting them back to sleep). I would suggest feeding less at night and having your baby wake up often, then overfeeding them and then suffering from coughing during the night. This can be very strefull for you and your baby because your baby will not be sleeping during the night hours.

These are some of the little situations that I encountered with my baby. It goes without saying but all of them can be a little bit stressful.

For me personally the night feeds( feed between 1and 5am has been the hardest), because of the reflux and it would sometimes last for hour before I helped my baby with going back to sleep.

Please do reach out for any questions.

I hope you enjoy the read!

Happy parenting

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